Sunday, April 26, 2009

beauty marks

Apparently while I was in the shower, Lucy found a pen and went to town. She hears the water turn off, runs into the bathroom and says:

"Loooook Mommy - I so pretty!"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

walk for babies

To all of you - past, present and future - who have donated to the March of Dimes I want to Thank you!

Here is Audrey's story:

After multiple failed pregnancies it was time to switch to a specialist. We walked into KU Med, gave several viles of blood, and soon thereafter I was pregnant once again and this time on prometrum for what turned out to be a low progesterone count.
16 weeks into the pregnancy we looked over at that black and white screen holding our breath and saw our Audrey Grace for the first time.
Everything seemed to be falling into place.
From my 20 week appointment to my 24 week appointment things had changed. My blood pressure was elevated and my feet were swelling. I graduated to bi weekly appointments and went about my normal routine.
At my 28 week appointment (which happened to be on Trav's birthday) I was told that we needed to go straight from the office to the hospital. They monitored me and Audrey throughout the night and the next day I layed there while my Dr. and the Perinatologist discussed if immediate delivery was necessary right in front of me.
With a diagnosis of pre eclampsia I was sent home but told I was on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. I graduated once again this time to weekly appointments. Although my blood pressure was going higher and higher and the swelling was more and more I was still producing normal urine and was sent back home week after week. I was miserable but knew that the very best thing I could do for Audrey was to hold on as long as possible. That every single day made a difference.
At my 33 week appointment (Mon), protein was found in my urine. My Dr. looked me straight in the eyes, told me to go home, get in bed, and not get out again until my next appt which was to be on Thur. That night I could not sleep, I was having such a hard time breathing that I was afraid if I fell asleep I would not wake up. I sat there all night and waited for Trav to wake up. He ran and got his cuff and took my blood pressure, it was 224/110, I was not going to make it until Thursday. He called the hospital and we were on our way. I entered the hospital in the beginning stages of kidney and liver failure. I was given magnesium sulfate and patocin and the labor process had begun.
Around 6pm my Doctor comes in to check me. Although I am having contractions, Audrey has not even dropped yet. He tells me that it would probably take me 3 days to labor and that we need to do a c section.

Audrey Grace was born on January 27, 2004 @ 8:31pm weighing 4 lbs 7 oz

She was immediately taken to the NICU for evaluation. There were some minor issues but overall she was perfect - just small. She did have to be fed through a NG tube because her suck reflex had not yet developed and was still learning how to remember to breath all of the time. She was in the NICU for a total of 13 days, but we were so blessed, so thankful for my Doctor's diligent care and knowledge, so aware that if she had been born at 28 weeks we might not be telling the same story.
Audrey's story is a story that shows that not all March of Dimes research is done for babies that were taken from the womb too early, that March of Dimes research is also to help keep babies in the womb longer, that every additional day is a precious gift.

This year's walk is Sunday May 3rd

Friday, April 17, 2009


A: Mom, I had a horrible nightmare last night
J: really? what happened?
A: I dreamed that Daddy got arrested and Grandma got a job

To a 5 year old - these are both equal reasons to panic...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

the hunt

We spent Easter weekend at Trav's parent's house and church. Trav's entire family was there from his mom's side. We had a nice time visiting and...the girls are FINALLY old enough to pretty much go off and play on their own with their cousins!This is the only picure I have of Lucy without her sweater on
Audrey made sure to accessorize her dress
Abby and Audrey are attached at the hip

Let the hunt begin

What happens when I ask the girls to stand next to eachother and smile

Saturday, April 4, 2009


While driving to dinner with my parents, Lucy points to the delivery truck in the next lane over and yells:

"Hey! Dat's my Daddy's drink!!"