A few months back we asked Audrey if she'd rather have a party for her birthday, or stay in a hotel with a pool. She jumped up and down and said "pool! pool! pool!".....and then within 3 hours continued to talk about different characters she could have for her party; H.S. Musical, Kim Possible, Hannah Montana. As if she never had the "choice" discussion with us. Then the school year started - Pre school mind you - and the parties started. Seriously I didn't think that real school friend parties started until at least Kindergarten. But 5 is a huge deal and it was killing me that my first born wanted a party and wasn't going to get one. So after many many many discussions with Trav, my mom, Nickie and yes, even restless nights (To you it may be over thinking, to me it is staying one step ahead of super drama Audrey) the compromise was for Audrey to take treats AND party favors to school but still no party. Last weekend we went to Party America to pick out favors and bags and while we were there I was still weak with guilt and got roped into getting matching hats. The hats that got un wrapped and used before we even made it into the car. The hats that both girls continued to wear the rest of the day in and out of all of the stores that we visited. People were telling them "happy birthday" all day long and Audrey was loving her new found celeberty. That evening, my parents took us out for a quick dinner. Audrey, still sporting her pointy hat, was asked by the waitress if this was a special ocassion. "Her birthday is in 2 weeks, we are just playing dress up" I said to her and she replies "close enough" and proceeds to bring out treats for the girls.
The next morning, Trav is getting home from work and Audrey is getting dressed and ready for the day. Reaching for her birthday hat she tells him "I am going to wear this every day, people give me stuff when I have this hat on."