Audrey has this habit of asking for 10 or 12 different things all in about a 5 second span. The words "I can only do one thing at a time" and "Please be a little more patient" are said quite often in our house...when I'm having a good day. She is also VERY good at giving
un-directions - that is - telling you everything that you are doing wrong. Put the two of these together and it makes for a lethal combination.
So last night, while I was fulfilling request #2 or 3 or 10, as she was telling me that the water was the wrong temperature in the wrong cup, I blurted out "My goodness Audrey you are so high maintenance" to which she replied:
"What does that mean? Does that mean that I'm awesome?"
And did you answer a big fat "heck yes!"?
Because the kid I seen on Saturday, the one with the dancing Cyndi Lauper gloves, the one that wanted those gloves to be folded at the exact same place to match exactly...yeah that kid? she is awesome!!! :)
It's okay Audrey. High maintenance girls ARE awesome!
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