Audrey was quite the character this weekend. I decided to put it all in one post since I do not have any pictures to accompany the stories. Kinda hard to supervise a 4 year old and a 1 year old while their Daddy is playing with fire and take pictures at the same time.
Me: Audrey, I already told you not to do that twice, why are you having so much trouble listening to me today?
A: I guess my ears just aren't working very well Mommy.
the neighbors had a DJ at their 4th of July party, so on the 5th of July we are sitting outside finishing the fireworks and:
A: I want to have a party
Me: Well this is kinda a party, look, all of your friends are here
A: no, a
real party...with MUSIC
(great, does this mean that we will have a DJ at Audrey's 5th birthday party?)
Those of you that know Audrey can imagine how much of the weekend we spent convincing her that fireworks were fun and that it was ok to stay outside in the noise and that we wouldn't let her get hurt....Only for her to watch her Daddy stomp out a small fire
in his flip flops which caused his leg to catch on fire.
So all day yesterday, approximately every 4 minutes, Audrey asked Travis in a very loud voice "
Daddy, why did you catch your leg on fire?" I can only guess what the total strangers around us were thinking...