Saturday, August 16, 2008

bets off

Apparently the gambling starts early in our family. I can remember playing Tripoley every year at the family Christmas dinner...with quarters of course. And also driving to Riverside Red X to buy lottery tickets before they were legal in KS was a weekly event.

One of Audrey's favorite places to eat is Argosy. They have a nice breakfast buffet.
"Grandpa, will you take me to Argosy today?"

Here are pictures of Trav and Todd teaching her how to play LCR. We like to play in the neighborhood with quarters. So fun!!! I'm pretty sure that dice rolling is one of the skills that they will be testing before kindergarten so we thought we'd get a head start.

She has also learned the all time WT phrase: "If Grandpa wins the lottery" (I can have that swing set, live at Disney World, etc).

We're all rooting for Grandpa too honey.

1 comment:

Cori said...

Gambling addictions are hereditary, y'know. I hear her mother can be found in Bingo Halls on the weekends.

I love the WT phrase about the lottery. That's one of Johnny's fave lines about his dad. His dad is a compulsive Lotto ticket buyer.