Friday, June 13, 2008

the gift that keeps on giving

Mr. Penney and I have become quite the best of friends ever since he moved into my neighborhood. He even sends me these coupons in the mail: $10 off a purchase of $10 or more, and in my opinion that’s basically a $10 bill in my purse and it would be irresponsible not to use it. I mean, who throws money away??? Yesterday I walk in, go to the dress department, even though I never wear dresses, and find 2 cute dresses on the clearance rack: $100 marked down to $23. I make my way to the dressing room, try each dress on twice and still can’t decide because they both actually fit. So I am just going to buy them both, dwell on it at home for a while, and then take one of them back. That’s the plan. I get to the register, and the nice, very nice, cashier proceeds to ring the 2 dresses up separately and use the coupon for each one…$13 each! AND then she gives the coupon back to me to use again! Great news – right? Well, kinda. You see, now I have this huge obligation to go back into that store and spend that $10 bill that’s still in my purse.


Cori said...

That store has the best sales. I love having it close by, too. Last fall I bought all of Ava's summer shirts for this year, and I paid less than $2 per shirt. It sounds like I need to sign up for their mailing list, though.

Brandi said...

If you feel really bad about the $10 sitting in your purse, you could always pass it on to me :-)